My Portfolio Dilemma

I’m having fun building a portfolio and going through my photographs for the past three years. I can now see a remarkable change in my photo quality. I know we get better as we practice, but up until I compared directly, didn’t see the improvement.

blue flowerswhite flowers







The above photos are from 2010. That is seven years ago when I got my first Pentax K-X dslr. I got the package with 2 lenses and the body for around $550

Below are some more current photos. Granted I have upgraded to a Pentax K5IIs and better lens, but that doesn’t account for much if you don’t have experience backing you up. All around better images. It’s not that I don’t like the first set, it’s just when compared side by side that the improvements are made clear.

2 white flowerpink flowers

I’m not sure what this phenomenon is called. Where things change and we don’t notice the difference. It happens to us all, in many ways I’m sure. The point I’m getting at is that I’m not sure have far back my portfolio should extend. Should I extend as far back as possible, or just present a portfolio of my favorite images.

As I build up my new website in WordPress, I realize that I do have limited space and limited funds to spend on extra space. I’m thinking that past photos be limited to some favorites. Then possibly put in whole projects later, or just handpick a few from each new project.

  • I have decided to go back a bit and add all photos I like to a gallery. Then I will go through and hand pick my best work for a portfolio page. Currently you can contact me via email at if you would like to buy or barter for my works.

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